Creating and managing dynamic content

If you have Collections in your site, you can access them in the Editor through the Collections tab. The Collections panel lists all your collections. Clicking on a collection opens a new tab titled the name of the collection. This tab contains all Collection items within that Collection.

A new tab called Blog Posts has been added to the tabs section in the editors toolbar. This tab is highlighted among the other five tabs.

Creating and editing content

You can edit existing items by clicking on them or creating new items by clicking the "New" button and filling out the item’s various fields. 

A green “new blog post” button is highlighted on the top right corner of the collection page called Blog posts. There are six pages already created and published on this page.
The “New blog post” button is highlighted in the Editor.

When you’re done entering content or updating fields, you can choose to:

  • Create a new item or save an existing item. It will be staged to publish and go live on your site the next time you publish it.
  • Publish your item right away (without waiting for the next site-wide publish to take place)
  • Save as Draft if you aren’t quite ready for the item to go on the live site
  • Cancel to discard changes
A green “create” button is pressed with a dropdown menu including a publish, save as a draft and schedule option. This dropdown menu is highlighted in the collection page “My amazing blog post” settings page.
Publish an individual item in the Editor

You can view the Collection page for that item by clicking the "page" icon to the right of the item name. This collapses the panels to show you the page for the item you’re currently viewing right in the browser. If you’d like, you can edit it there, instead of in the panel.

The collection page toolbar includes a icon to the right of the page name which is for navigating to the detail page. This icon is highlighted on the top bar.

To go back to the Collection item's list, click the Back button.

The left arrow icon is highlighted on the collection page top bar. Next to it is the collection page name “My amazing blog post.”

Managing content

In the Collection panel, you can see all your Collection items and their statuses. If you work with a large database of content, managing your Collection items can be a lifesaver when determining what to edit. You can do this by: 

  • Paging through Collection items
  • Displaying Collection fields
  • Searching Collection items
  • Filtering Collection items
  • Sorting Collection items
  • Bulk-editing Collection items
Managing Collection items in the Editor

Read more about Managing Collection items.

To close the Collection tab, click the "close" (X) button in the top right of the tab.

The “close” (x) button in the Lessons tab of the Editor toolbar.

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