Help! I updated my SEO settings but search engines show an incorrect title or description.

Make sure you’ve published your site after updating your SEO settings. After publishing your site, changes made to your site’s meta title and description can take days, weeks, or even months to be indexed and start showing up in search engine results pages (SERPs). You may need to wait a bit longer for search engines to re-index your content and update their search results to reflect your changes. You can request for Google to recrawl your site, although this is no guarantee the process will occur faster. 

It’s also important to note that even after your updated SEO content is indexed, Google still decides what to display as the description. Google should never decide to display an outdated version of your SEO content, but it will sometimes display snippets of body text from your page if that text better matches what they believe is the query intent. Check out this resource for more reasons Google may show a different meta description for your site.

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